Where possible you are advised to obtain references from online sources, such as databases or publisher's websites. Adding a reference manually may be necessary in cases where you cannot find the reference from an online source. To add a reference manually:
Most online databases will have an option to download details of references as a RIS file. You can then import that RIS file into EndNote Web:
The EndNote Capture Reference bookmarklet has been retired and is no longer available to download. Users who still have the Capture Reference bookmarklet installed will still be able to use it. However, it has been removed from the download page in EndNote Online, and will no longer be supported by Clarivate/EndNote.
When viewing a webpage or an online resource, you can ‘capture’ references and add them directly to EndNote Web or EndNote Desktop using a bookmarklet.
To capture a reference or references:
Check the reference in your library to make sure all the bibliographic fields have been successfully captured. This can depend on the information available on the page you are trying to capture. Try to find a page with the full record information.
In many cases, you will find that the bookmarklet tool is not the best way to capture references as it works better for some databases than others. You might have better results exporting bibliographic details from online databases.
When you are viewing an article record on an academic journal website or database, EndNote Click will display a pop up icon on the left hand side of the screen if there is a UCL subscribed or freely available PDF version of the article.
If there isn't a PDF available, the pop up icon won't appear, so in this case, you will need to find an alternative method of adding the reference to EndNote.
Click on the pop up and this will add it to your locker, the storage area in EndNote Click. The saving option defaults to saving to EndNote.com but on the left hand side menu of your locker there is an option to 'Export to EndNote Desktop'. If you click on this, it will create a RIS file and you can save and add it to your library as for other online export methods.
This process will also attach the PDF to the reference in your EndNote library. The free version of EndNote Click only provides you with 100 MB of storage in your EndNote Click locker, so once you have added the reference to your EndNote Desktop you may wish to delete the PDF from your EndNote Click locker.
You can export reference directly from Explore into EndNote or EndNote Online.
You can export references directly from Web of Science into EndNote desktop or EndNote Web:
Your references will be in the Unfiled group. Click on the 'Added to library' column header to sort the group to see the most recently imported items.
In Web of Science, search results which are already in your EndNote Web library will have an icon displayed.
If you are using a computer without EndNote Desktop installed, for some databases a direct export to EndNote request will push the references into EndNote Web. Always check the references carefully. If the database you are using has no option to export directly you need to create a text file to import the references into EndNote Web.
Where updated information about a reference is available, e.g. where the reference in your library is for a pre-print version of an article, you may see a 'Metadata update is available' alert at the top of the Edit panel for a reference.
Click on Update reference to automatically update the information.
Note: There are sometimes significant differences between a pre-print and a published version of a paper so there may be instances where you wish to retain the pre-print version of a reference.