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Guide to using EndNote reference management software

Using Cite-While-You-Write

Both EndNote Desktop and EndNote Web can work with Word to create bibliographies or insert references from your library into a Word document. You can then format the document into a citation style of your choice, e.g. Harvard, Vancouver. This facility is called Cite While You Write (CWYW).

See the section above, Using EndNote with Word, for details on how to use Cite While You Write.

Using EndNote Web with Word

To use EndNote Web with Word you need to switch from using Word with EndNote desktop to using Word with EndNote online:

  • Within Word click on the EndNote 21 tab and then Preferences.
  • Click on the Application tab and select EndNote online from the drop-down menu.
  • You will need to fill in your EndNote Web account details so that Word can communicate with your EndNote Web library.

Using Endnote Web with Word Online

With EndNote Web, activated through EndNote 21, you can use Cite While You Write with Word Online by installing a Word Online add-in.

Note: If using Word Online via UCL, the Add-in is already installed, so you can simply get started using it by clicking on the button in the toolbar in the Reference tab.

  • Open Word Online.
  • From the File menu, select Get Add-ins and then More Add-ins.
  • Search for EndNote 21 Cite While You Write and click on Add and then Continue.

The EndNote 21 Cite While You Write for Word Online add-in panel will automatically open next to your document, or you can open the panel by clicking on the Endnote button in the References tab.

  • Click on Get Started and log in with your EndNote Web login.
  • To insert a reference, position your cursor where you want to insert the citation, search or browse and select the reference(s), then click on Insert Citation.
  • The references will be inserted as unformatted citations. To format the citations and create a reference list, click on the More actions button (three dots) and select the citation style of your choice. When you add further citations, click on Update citations to format the newly inserted citations.
  • To edit an in-text citation, click on the in-text citation, and then on the arrow to open the Citation editor. From here you can choose to re-order or remove citation(s).

Using EndNote Web with Google Docs

With EndNote Web, activated through EndNote 21, you can use Cite While You Write with Google Docs by installing a Google Docs add-in.

  • Add EndNote Cite While You Write add-on in Google Docs via Marketplace: Click Install, accept the terms and conditions and sign in with your Google account.
  • In Google Docs, from the Extensions menu select EndNote 21 Cite While You Write and Open. Note: the link may take a few moments to appear.
  • Sign in to EndNote.

A Cite While You Write pane appears to the right of your screen.

  • To insert a reference, position your cursor where you want to insert the citation, search or browse and select the reference(s), then click on Insert Citation.
  • The references will be inserted as unformatted citations. To format the citations and create a reference list, click on the More actions button (three dots) and select the citation style of your choice. When you add further citations, click on Update citations to format the newly inserted citations.
  • To edit a citation(s), click on the Manage citations tab and then on the Edit citation (pencil icon) button for the relevant citation. From here you can choose to re-order or remove citation(s).