Library Services
This guide © 2024 by UCL - Library Skills is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
At the top of the search results page Explore displays the number of items that matched your search.
By default search results are sorted by Relevance but you can sort them by Date-newest, Title, Author or Date-oldest.
On this page you will find:
To narrow down and refine your search results, use filters in the left column of the results page.
The filters column lists only the types of material retrieved for that search. For example: if your search results only include books or conference papers, any other types of material will not be listed.
You can use filters to either include or exclude materials:
At the top of the filters panel, you will see the list of filters you have chosen. For example if you have refined your search results to exclude Newspaper Articles, you will see this type of material in red font and crossed out.
You can also lock filters you have used during your search:
Results are displayed with brief information about an item:
Sometimes you will find some extra information for example:
Multiple versions of an item, for example the print and the electronic edition of a book or several editions of a title like Shakespeare's Hamlet, are grouped together. To view all the versions available, click on the item and a new page will show the list of versions.
Click on an item to view the full details: On the left-hand side of the new window box you have a list of navigation links, which will remain at the top of the window as you scroll down and will help you to navigate to the various sections of the item record.
In the 'Send to' section you will find a number of ways in which you can save or manage an item record. See Working with your results for more information.
The View it link and section are displayed when the item you are viewing is available online. You will see links to:
When the item you are viewing is a physical item, instead of the 'View it' you will see the 'Get it' section, which shows:
In the Details section you fill find specific information about the item you are viewing: title, author, publishing date, subject headings. From Details you can also start browsing for similar topics.
The Links section lists links to other library catalogues, which you can use to search for resources outside UCL libraries. There is also a link to Amazon's 'Look Inside' that allows you to view the Table of Contents of a item.
You can virtually browse the library bookshelves for books on the same subject.
By default search results display 10 items per page but, at the bottom of the page, you can change the default to show 25 or 50 items per page.
The list of filters on Explore includes: