The Dissertations & Theses Citation Index is a specialised citation index for searching dissertations and theses. It is built on the ProQuest database, which UCL subscribes to, and offers an alternative way to search it from within Web of Science. To access the database, select "ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis Citation Index" on the drop-down menu in the main search screen:

The individual dissertation pages then contain metadata on the item plus a link out to ProQuest for a copy of the paper.

As of summer 2023, the database contains around 5.5 million dissertations, of which 3.3 million have a full text copy available through ProQuest. Some of the others may have links to full text copies through other services such as EThOS at the British Library. In late 2023, Web of Science plan to add citation links, so that it will be possible to find Web of Science papers citing dissertations, or being cited by them - however, this data is not yet available.
You can read more about ProQuest in our guide to Proquest Databases, and there is more information about getting access to dissertations and theses in our guide to finding theses.