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This guide introduces the Harvard referencing style and includes examples of citations.

Book (printed, two or three authors)

To be made up of:

  • Author/editor. Editors are indicated with (ed.) or, if there is more than one, (eds.).
  • Year of publication (in round brackets).
  • Title (in italics).
  • Edition (only include the edition number if it is not the first edition).
  • Place of publication: publisher.
  • Series and volume number (where relevant).

In-text citation:

  • (Reiss and White, 2013, p.6)

Reference List

Reiss, M. J. and White, J. (2013). An aims-based curriculum: the significance of human flourishing for schools. London: IOE Press.

Book (Printed, Four to Seven Authors)

To be made up of:

  • Authors/editors. Multiple editors are indicated with (eds.).
  • Year of publication (in round brackets).
  • Title (in italics).
  • Edition (only include the edition number if it is not the first edition).
  • Place of publication: publisher.
  • Series and volume number (where relevant).

In-text citation:

(Sant et al., 2013)

Reference List:

Sant, E., Davies, I., Pashby, K. and Shultz, L. (2018). Global citizenship education: a critical introduction to key concepts and debates. London: Bloomsbury.

Book (Printed, Eight or More Authors)

For books with eight or more authors or editors, you can follow the guidance at

Book (Printed, with Authors and Editors)

To be made up of:

  • Author 
  • Year of publication (in round brackets).
  • Title (in italics).
  • Edition (only include the edition number if it is not the first edition).
  • Editor/editors.
  • Place of publication: publisher.
  • Series and volume number (where relevant).

In-text citation:

(Lucas, 2004)

Reference list:

Lucas, G. (2004). The wonders of the universe. 2nd edn. Edited by Jones F., Smith, J. and Bradley T. London: Smiths.