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This guide introduces the Harvard referencing style and includes examples of citations.

Dictionary or Encyclopedia entry with authors or editors (printed)

To be made up of: 

  • Author of entry. 
  • Year of publication (in round brackets).
  • Title of encyclopedia or dictionary entry (in single quotation marks),‘in’ plus author or editor of the book. Editors are indicated with (ed.) or, if there is more than one, (eds.). 
  • Title (in italics).
  • Edition (unless it is a first edition). 
  • ​​​​​​​Place of publication: publisher. 

In text citation:

(Baglieri and Bacon, 2021, p.231) 

Reference List :

Baglieri, S. and Bacon, J. (2021). 'Disability studies in education and inclusive education', in Sharma, U. and Salend, J.S. (eds.) The Oxford encyclopedia of inclusive and special education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Online Dictionary or Encyclopedia entry with authors or editors

To be made up of:  

  • Author of entry.
  • Year of publication (in round brackets).
  • Title of encyclopedia or dictionary entry (in single quotation marks) ‘in’ plus author or editor of the book. Editors are indicated with (ed.) or, if there is more than one, (eds.).
  • Title (in italics).
  • Edition (unless it is a first edition).
  • [Online]
  • Place of publication: publisher. 
  • Available from: URL.
  • (Accessed: date). 

In text citation:

(Akkari, 2022)  

Reference List 

Akkari, A. (2022). 'Impact of globalization on higher education in the Middle East and North Africa', in Ercikan, K., Rizvi, F. and Tierney, R. J. (eds.) International encyclopedia of education. Fourth edition. [Online]. San Diego: Elsevier Science and Technology. Available from: (Accessed: 13 July 2023). 

Dictionary or Encyclopedia entry with no stated authors or editors (printed or online)

To be made up of: 

  • Title of encyclopedia or dictionary (in italics).
  • Year of publication.
  •  Page number of entry if applicable.

In text citation :

(Collins English Dictionary, 2005, p.443) 

For encyclopedias and dictionaries with no authors or editors, there is no need to include an entry for the source in the reference list if it is a widely known work.