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Guide to using Zotero reference management software

Editing a reference

  • Select the reference you wish to edit in the central panel.
  • Its bibliographic information will be displayed in the Info tab of the right-hand pane.
  • Click on a field to edit the information. When you click on the field this will grey-out.
  • Changes are saved automatically. 

Desktop Info tab editing screenshot 

Checking reference details

When adding references to your library always check that the details are complete, accurate, and in the correct fields. If you think that information is incorrect or missing you can correct this:

  • Edit the details manually if necessary.
  • If you have the PMID, ArXiv ID, the DOI or an ISBN use the Identifier to retrieve the correct metadata..

How can I standardise my titles so that they are all in Title Case?

Although many citation styles do this automatically, some journals use 'Title Case' and others use 'Sentence Case' in how they publish journal articles. We recommend that you standardise the titles in your bibliography.

To do this, right-click on the title field, you can change 'Transform the Text' and Change the case:

Screenshot showing the Transform Text menu option in Zotero.

Zotero 7 Editing a reference

  • Select the reference you wish to edit in the central panel.
  • Its bibliographic information will be displayed on the right-hand pane.
  • Click on a field to edit the information.
  • Changes are saved automatically. 


Zotero 7 How can I standardise my titles so that they are all in Title Case?

Although many citation styles do this automatically, some journals use 'Title Case' and others use 'Sentence Case' in how they publish journal articles. We recommend that you standardise the titles in your bibliography.

To do this, right-click on the title field, you can change 'Transform the Text' and Change the case:
