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Guide to using Zotero reference management software


If you have imported references on the same subject from more than one online source, you may find that you have some duplicate references in your library. To keep your library organised, it is important to ensure you have removed any duplicate references. Zotero has a dedicated folder for such items. 

​In the Duplicate Items folder, you will see a list of items that have been identified as duplicates, if there are any. When you select an item, the relevant duplicates will be highlighted. You will see their records in the right-hand side pane. Choose the version with the most information and keep it as the master version. You can then merge the records by clicking the Merge items button.  

  • Select an Item in the Duplicates folder.
  • Duplicates will be highlighted.
  • Check the records of each duplicate on the right-hand side pane.
  • Choose the version which has the most information and use it as the master item.
  • Click the Merge items button.

Zotero 6 Duplicates. 

De-duplication in Zotero 7 has remained the same: when you select an item, the relevant duplicates will be highlighted. You will see their records in the right-hand side pane. Choose the version with the most information and keep it as the master version. You can then merge the records by clicking the Merge items button.  

  • Select an Item in the Duplicates folder.
  • Duplicates will be highlighted.
  • Check the records of each duplicate on the right-hand side pane.
  • Choose the version which has the most information and use it as the master item.
  • Click the Merge items button.

Zotero 7 duplicates. 

De-duplicating for Systematic Reviews

You can use Zotero for Systematic Review and de-duplicate your results. To do this, follow the instructions outlined below.

  • Download the set of results as a .ris file. 
  • Name the file a name that reflects the search e.g. x.ris
  • Open Zotero and Import the File x.ris. Make sure Import into new collection option is ticked. 

Screenshot of Import File option to highlight that Import into new Collection must be ticked

  • Next, go to the Duplicates Folder and begin to de-duplicate by merging references that already exist in your library.

Screenshot of Duplication Folder to demonstrate De-Duplication