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Guide to using Zotero reference management software

Exporting from online resources: key information

You can export references directly from online resources into your library. Exporting references creates a file which can then be opened in Zotero. In some cases you need to save the file before you can open it. Whether the file will open automatically in Zotero or not depends on your browser configuration. 

To add individual references from different online resources to Zotero it is recommended using the Zotero Connector.

Default application

If you are using Desktop@UCL you may find that the default application that is set to open particular file types will cause files to open in other reference management packages, e.g. Mendeley or EndNote. There are a number of alternative ways to resolve this:

  • Change the default program in Windows. Search Windows for Default Apps, click on Choose default applications by file type, change the default program for the appropriate file type, e.g. change the default program for .ris, to Zotero.
  • From Windows Explorer, locate the folder where the file has been downloaded. Drag and drop the file into My Library or into a specific collection.
  • Double-click on the file and a dialogue box will ask if you want to click Yes. YourZotero import files image references will be imported in your Zotero library
  • Use the Firefox Web browser, which allows you to choose the program to open the file.

Cochrane Library

Exporting Multiple Citations

You can export multiple search results for the following categories: Cochrane Reviews, Cochrane Protocols, Trials, and Clinical Answers. You will need to export one category at a time.

  • Use the checkboxes to select the references you would like to export or Select all.
  • Select Export Selected Citation(s) above the list of search results.
  • Select RIS (EndNote) or RIS (Reference Manager) or BibText.
  • If abstracts are desired, select the Include abstract checkbox.
  • Select Download and save your file to your Downloads folder or any other relevant folder.
  • Launch Zotero.
  • From the File menu, select the option to Import, a dialog box titled ‘Where do you want to import form?’ will open.
  • Select A file (BibTex, RIS…) click Next.
  • You will see your computer Download folder, select the citation-export file you want to import then click Open.
  • Another dialog box titled Options opens, use the default options (or change them) then click Next.
  • Your references have been imported into you Zotero library.

Exporting a single citation from a single record

A citation for the majority of records in the Cochrane Library can be exported in two ways:

Select the record title to view the full record then:

  • Use the Zotero Connector save button to save the reference, this is by far the easiest option.


Select the record title to view the full record then:

  • For Cochrane Reviews, Cochrane Protocols, Editorials, and Clinical Answers, use the Cite this... links in the right hand menu.
  • For Trials use Export this CENTRAL record.

Then follow the instructions above for exporting multiple records (from the third step: Select Reference Manger OR BibText.

EBSCO databases

Before exporting your references you will need to save the results of  your search in the EBSCO database own Folder. 

Ebsco save references screenshot

  • Click on the Share button and then under Add to Folder click on Results (1-50) 
  • Then go to the Folder icon at the top of the page.



  • Select All or specific references you want to Export then.
  • Click on Export, a new dialogue box will open.

Ebsco export button screenshot

  • Select Direct export in RIS format (default) or Citations in BibText format.
  • On the left hand-side click on Save. Optionally you can tick the box to remove all references from the folder once they've been exported. 
  • Save the file in your Downloads folder or any other dedicated folder.  

Ebsco export references screenshot Then:

  • From within your Zotero desktop library, click on File and then Import. An Import dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure the correct file type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF etc.) is selected and click Next.  
  • Select the file you want to import and click Open. An Options dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure Copy files to the Zotero storage system is selected and click Next. 
  • When the import is complete, click Finish.

Explore, UCL's library catalogue

Explore, UCL's library catalogue, is a one-stop service solution for the discovery and delivery of our print and e-resources.

For an individual search result: use the Zotero connector on your browser.

To import multiple references:

  • From the details screen for any result, select RIS (Endnote/Zotero). This creates a RIS file.
  • When prompted to select encoding, select US-ASCII.  
  • Click on Download and Save the file to your Zotero folder. 
  • From within your Zotero desktop library, click on File and then Import. An Import dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure the correct file type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF etc.) is selected and click Next.  
  • Select the file you want to import and click Open. An Options dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure Copy files to the Zotero storage system is selected and click Next. 
  • When the import is complete, click Finish. 

Zotero web new reference panel screenshotYou will see the references imported as new collection in your Zotero library, right-click on the collection to rename it. 

Google Scholar

Before carrying out a search:

  • Click on the menu icon, with three horizontal lines at the top left of the screen.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Under Bibliography Manager, select Show links to import citations into RefMan.
  • Click on Save.
  • From your Google Scholar search results you can now click on the Import into Refman link beneath any result.
  • Save the .ris file.

To export multiple records, you need a Google account:

  • Click the Star icon under each record you wish to export.
  • Log into your Google account, then go to My Library.
  • Select the relevant results, or check the box for all results, click on the Export icon and select RefMan.
  • Save the .ris file.


  • From within your Zotero desktop library, click on File and then Import. An Import dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure the correct file type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF etc.) is selected and click Next.  
  • Select the file you want to import and click Open. An Options dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure Copy files to the Zotero storage system is selected and click Next. 
  • When the import is complete, click Finish


To export multiple references:

  • Select the references you wish to export.  
  • Click on Export and a new dialog box opens.
  • Under Formats select RIS from the drop down list.
  • Under Fields select the fields you wish to include from the drop down menu. 
  • Then click Export, give the file a name and save it. The name of the file will be used by Zotero to create a new collection on the Desktop.
  • From within your Zotero desktop library, click on File and then Import. An Import dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure the correct file type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF etc.) is selected and click Next.  
  • Select the file you want to import and click Open. An Options dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure Copy files to the Zotero storage system is selected and click Next. 
  • When the import is complete, click Finish and then Cancel.
  • Your references will be added to My Library in Zotero Desktop and Zotero will all have created a new collection named after your saved file.  

ProQuest databases

 Proquest save references screnshot

  • Mark the relevant records. then click on the three dots ... (All save options).





Proquest RIS screenshot

  • A new dialogue box will open.
  • Select RIS (works with EndNote, Citavi, etc.)     






An Export/Save dialogue box will open:Prqquest ris options screenshot

  • Select RIS (works with EndNote, Citavi, etc.).
  • Then click Continue. Note: if you are not logged into the database you will be ask to prove that you are not a robot by entering some letters into a box.
  • ProQuest will process the files, save the file in your Downloads folder or any other dedicated folder.  


  • From within your Zotero desktop library, click on File and then Import. An Import dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure the correct file type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF etc.) is selected and click Next.  
  • Select the file you want to import and click Open. An Options dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure Copy files to the Zotero storage system is selected and click Next. 
  • When the import is complete, click Finish.

ProQuest databases include Arts Premium Collection, Humanities Index, Library & Information Science Collection, ProQuest Central, ProQuest News and Newspapers, Social Science Premium Collection and many more.


To export references from Scopus:

  • Select the references you wish to export and click on Export. 
  • Then select either Zotero (RIS).

Scopus new Zotero option


  • Select the fields you want to include then click on the Export button.
  • Then you will be promt to save the file in your Downloads folder or any other folder of your choice.


Scopus new Zotero option


  • From within your Zotero desktop library, click on File and then Import. An Import dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure the correct file type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF etc.) is selected and click Next.  
  • Select the file you want to import and click Open. An Options dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure Copy files to the Zotero storage system is selected and click Next. 
  • When the import is complete, click Finish

Web of Science

Ensure you are in Web of Science Core Collection: the other Web of Science databases cannot be directly exported into Zotero.


To export multiple references:

  • Select the references you wish to export.  
  • Click on Export and select RIS (other reference software) or BibTeX from the drop down list.  
  • Select the fields you wish to include from the Record Content drop down menu and click Export.
  • Then you will be promt to save the file in your Downloads folder or any other folder of your choice.


  • From within your Zotero desktop library, click on File and then Import. An Import dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure the correct file type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF etc.) is selected and click Next.  
  • Select the file you want to import and click Open. An Options dialogue box will appear.  
  • Ensure Copy files to the Zotero storage system is selected and click Next. 
  • When the import is complete, click Finish.