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Library Services




Guide to using Zotero reference management software

Managing full text documents

PDF documents are automatically retrieved when you use the Zotero Connector, this is the best way to add items to your library. However, if you have PDF files already saved on your computer and you want to add them to your library, Zotero Desktop can create a bibliographic record from the PDF.

Simply drag the file into Zotero library central pane, this is also the easiest way to attach a PDF file of an article to its corresponding entry in your library:

  • Drop a file onto a collection, or in between library items, and Zotero will copy it into your library as a standalone item. 
  • Drop the file onto an existing item and Zotero will attach it to that item. 

You can also attach files to an existing item in this way:

  • Click on the paperclip icon at the top of the central pane.
  • Then select Attach Stored Copy of File.

Attach stored copy of file.

Zotero 7 Add or attach files

In Zotero 7 the design has slightly changed: there is a Document type icon with a Plus rather than a Paperclip but the principle is the same. To attach a file to a reference or to add a file to the desktop library you will need click to select Attach File or Add File.