References can be organised into ‘Groups’, which can also be arranged into 'Group Sets', which are displayed in the left EndNote Library pane.
To create a Group or Group Set:
If you remove a reference from a group it will remain in your library and can be found in All References. You can put a reference in more than one Group, which will not duplicate the reference.
To see which Group a reference is in, go to the References menu, and select ‘reference summary’.
Some temporary Groups are automatically created when you carry out certain functions in EndNote:
You can open Groups in new tabs to easily move between them. Select a group, right-click and Open in new tab.
A smart group is dynamically populated with references that fulfill your specified search criteria as you add references to and edit references in the library. To create a Smart Group, select Create Smart Group from the Groups menu.
Give your smart group a name and fill in the criteria you want for the group by using the drop down menu to select an appropriate field or fields, e.g fill in an author name in the Author field to add all papers by a specific author to that group.
You can also pick the Keywords field from in the dropdown menu if you want to add tags to the keywords field to create a Smart Group that includes all references that have that particular tag.
Groups can be shared with other EndNote users if you are also using EndNote Online. You will also be able to see any Groups which have been shared with you by others. See sharing a library for more information.
This short video by Clarivate demonstrates how to create group sets. There is no audio.
This short video by Clarivate demonstrates how to create groups. There is no audio.
This short video by Clarivate demonstrates how to create a smart group. There is no audio.
This short video by Clarivate demonstrates how to use combination groups. There is no audio.