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EndNote 20

Guide to using EndNote reference management software

Merging Word documents: copy and paste

If you are working with multiple Word documents that make up a longer document, such as chapters in a thesis, you will need to merge these if you wish to have a single bibliography at the end. This can be achieved through a simple 'copy and paste'.

Warning! When merging multiple Word documents you should ensure that all inserted citations are from the same EndNote library.

Save a copy of all your Word documents before continuing.

First you must convert your citations so they are unformatted:

  • Open each of the documents that you wish to merge.
  • For each of the documents:
    • Go to the EndNote tab in Word.
    • Click on Convert Citations and Bibliography.
    • Select Convert to Unformatted Citations.

In-text citations will now appear in the format {Smith, 2016 #3}, and your reference lists will disappear.

  • Create a new, blank Word document and copy and paste the content of each document that you want to merge into the new blank document in the order in which you would like them to appear.
  • Go to the EndNote tab and click on Update Citations and Bibliography. Your citations should be reformatted and a full bibliography will appear at the bottom of the document.

Inserting reference lists at the end of each chapter in a long document

With EndNote you can create a reference list at the end of each section of a Word document. In addition, you can also get it to create a complete bibliography at the end of the document.

In EndNote:

  • Go to the Tools menu.
  • Go to Output Styles and select Open Style Manager.
  • Locate the style you wish to edit and click to highlight it.
  • Click on the Edit button.
  • Click on Sections in the left hand column.
  • Select either Create a bibliography for each section or Create a bibliography for each section and a complete bibliography at the end of the document.
  • Close the style and you will be prompted to save it with a new name.

In Word:

  • Go to the EndNote tab and use the Style menu to select your saved style.

You now need to insert sections in your Word document:

  • Click in the text where you want your first section to end.
  • Go to the Layout tab in Word.
  • Click on Breaks and select Next Page.
  • Go to the EndNote tab and click on Update citations and bibliography.