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Library Services



EndNote 20

Guide to using EndNote reference management software

Organising your library

It is important to keep your library organised so that you can easily retrieve references you need. In this section we look at various activities essential to keeping your library organised, and also look at how to share your EndNote Desktop library with others.

  • Searching your library: If your EndNote library contains many references it is useful to be able to search it to retrieve particular references.
  • Using groups: Organise your references into groups to make them easier to find or to categorise them to assist your research workflow.
  • Dealing with duplicates: It is important to ensure you have no duplicate references in your library.
  • Managing full text documents: Learn how to add files to references, view and annotate attached PDFs and manage your full text settings.
  • Synchronising your library: Synchronise your desktop library with your EndNote Online account to access it anywhere via EndNote Online.
  • Sharing a library: Learn how to share your library with others and how to access a library someone has shared with you, through EndNote Desktop.