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Library Services



EndNote 20

Guide to using EndNote reference management software

Synchronising your Library with EndNote Online

EndNote allows you to synchronise your entire desktop library with EndNote Online so that your library in EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online match each other exactly.

You will have identical groups and references when Sync completes processing.

If you make any changes to references or file attachments, when you synchronise the libraries these changes will be carried across so that each library matches the other. This includes updates and additions to groups in both libraries. This also means that if you delete a reference from either your desktop or online library and then sync your libraries, the reference will be deleted in both places.

It is advisable to create a compressed library for backup before you begin the sync process. Go to the File menu and select Compress Library.

To synchronise your library:

  • From within the EndNote Desktop program, click on Library and then Sync.
  • Follow the instructions to sign up for an account for the online version. If you already have an EndNote Online account, enter your e-mail address and password for your EndNote Online account and press OK.

Setting Sync preferences

Sync settings are editable within EndNote Desktop:

  • Go to the Edit menu, select Preferences... and then click on Sync from the left side of the window that appears.

You can change your email address or password and also choose whether to sync automatically. 

Checking sync status

If you want to check when you last synced your library, if you click on 'sync status' (as the top of the left hand panel) it will show a report.