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EndNote 20

Guide to using EndNote reference management software

Using the EndNote bookmarklet

You can add references to your EndNote Library quickly and directly from your browser, by installing and using a 'bookmarklet'. Note that you need to be logged in to your EndNote Online account in order to use the bookmarklet. Once the bookmarklet is installed to your browser, you can use it to add references to either EndNote Online or EndNote Desktop.

Collecting references from online sources: using the bookmarklet

When viewing a webpage or an online resource, you can ‘capture’ references and add them directly to EndNote Online or EndNote Desktop. You need to install a ‘bookmarklet’ which will allow you to do so:

  • In EndNote Online, click on the Downloads tab, and follow instructions for the Capture tool.

To capture a reference or references:

  • Run your search in the resource of your choice as usual, for example, Google Scholar, PubMed.
  • Ensure the reference(s) you wish to keep are displayed. 
  • Click on the Capture Reference button in your bookmarks or favourites bar.
  • You can add or edit bibliographic details and assign the reference to one of your Groups.
  • Select to export to or EndNote Desktop, then click on Save to.

Check the reference in your library to make sure all the bibliographic fields have been successfully captured. This can depend on the information available on the page you are trying to capture. Try to find a page with the full record information.

In many cases, you will find that the bookmarklet tool is not the best way to capture references as it works better for some databases than others. You might have better results using the online search within EndNote Online or exporting bibliographic details from online databases.