Each EndNote library has an index of full journal titles and their standard abbreviations in a feature called the Journals Term List, so that when you cite references in a Word document, the correct format of the journal title for that referencing style should appear in the bibliography.
As you add references for journal articles to your library, this automatically adds entries for these journals' titles into your Journals Term Lists. However these often do not include the correct full titles and standard abbreviations so to resolve this you can import the standard EndNote Term Lists which provide correct versions of the full title and abbreviated version. You need to import these each time you create a new Library. These Term Lists are best added before you start to add references to the Library, but may be added at any time.
To import a term list into EndNote:
Where a journal title is not included in the standard lists that are available to download, you may find that it appears incorrectly in your bibliography. You can edit the full or abbreviated journal title in the Term List:
Authors' names and Keywords can be edited in the same way.