EndNote citations and references can also be inserted in PowerPoint presentations. If you have EndNote installed on your computer, then you should automatically see an EndNote or EndNote 20 tab when you open Microsoft PowerPoint. (Although please note that EndNote 20 cannot be used with PowerPoint on a Mac.)
However, on Desktop@UCL computers, or if you are using Desktop@UCL Anywhere, the CWYW tools need to be activated the first time you use PowerPoint with EndNote. You can also follow these instructions if you have installed EndNote Desktop but the EndNote tab isn't visible:
Citations and references are selected separately in PowerPoint, so your reference list will not be generated automatically.
You can search your EndNote Library from within PowerPoint by clicking on either Insert Citation or Insert Reference on the EndNote toolbar.
Alternatively, you can select references in your EndNote Library and then return to PowerPoint to insert your selections by clicking on Insert Selected Citation(s) or Insert Selected Reference(s).
You can change the style of your citations and references in the same way that you would change it in Microsoft Word. Use the Style menu and click on Select Another Style to choose the style that you would like.