In text citation:
To be made up of:
(Herodotus, 1.32.7)
(Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus 447-462)
(Virgil, Aeneid 2.49)
You can also use the standard abbreviations of author's names and titles of works as listed at the front of the Oxford Classical Dictionary:
(Hdt. 1.32.7)
(Soph. OT 447-462)
(Verg. Aen. 2.49)
This allows readers to find the relevant passage in any modern edition. If a translation does not provide precise book/chapter numbers, you can find this information by using the online editions of texts and translations in the Perseus Digital Library. Avoid using the page numbers of translations unless you want to comment on the way a particular translator has handled the text.
Reference list:
To be made up of:
Herodotus. Book I. Edited with an introduction and notes by J. H. Sleeman (2002). London: Bristol Classical Press.
Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Translated by Stephen Berg and Diskin Clay (1978). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Virgil. Aeneidos: liber secundus. With a commentary by R. G. Austin (1964). Oxford: Oxford University Press.