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This guide introduces the Harvard referencing style and includes examples of citations.

Act of the UK parliament (post-1963)

To be made up of: 

  • Short title of Act including year and chapter number (in italics)
  • Country/jurisdiction (if referencing more than one country's legislation)
  • Available at: URL
  • (Accessed: date)

In-text citation:

 (Health and Social Care Act 2012)

Reference list: 

Health and Social Care Act 2012, c. 7. Available at: (Accessed: 23 August 2012).

Act of the UK parliament (pre-1963)

To be made up of: 

  • Short title of Act including year (in italics)
  • Regnal year, name of sovereign and chapter number (in round brackets)
  • Title of collection (in italics)
  • Year of publication (in round brackets)
  • Edition (if not the first edition)
  • Place of publication: publisher

In-text citation:

 (Act of Supremacy 1534, 26 Hen. 8, c. 1)

Reference list: 

Act of Supremacy 1534 (26 Hen. 8, c. 1). The Statutes (1950) 3rd edn. London: HMSO.