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Guide to using Mendeley reference management and social citation sharing software

Inserting citations from within Word

First make sure you have removed any duplicates from your library, before you begin to cite references in your Word document. This is important to avoid any errors in your bibliography.

  • Place your cursor where you want your citation to appear in your Word document and click on the Mendeley Cite button. You will see the Cite add-in window up on the right-hand side:

Mendeley Cite pane

  • Either display All References, a Collection or a Group. As an alternative, search for a reference with a keyword in the Search box. Click in the box(es) next to the reference(s) you wish to cite, and then click on 'Insert 1/ 2/ etc. citations'. The citation(s) will then be added to your Word document in the place where your cursor was.

Mendeley Cite: editing citations

Position the cursor on the citation you wish to edit, and click to select it. The Cite add-in window will appear, with the citation(s) you wish to edit displayed.

To delete the citation from your Word document, click on the 'X' to the right of the 'reference pill', and then click on Save changes.

Mendeley Cite - Add-in window

To edit the citation, click on the 'reference pill' (not on the 'X' to the right of it) and this will open the edit reference panel

 Mendeley Cite - Attributes panel

  • To add a page number to the citation, enter the page number in the box to the right of 'Page'.
  • To add information to appear before or after the in-text citation, enter it in the Prefix or Suffix box respectively.
  • To exclude the author name (if referring to in the text), place a tick against 'Suppress author', 
  • Click on Save changes, to save.

If these options are not sufficient to make your in-text citation appear as you wish, e.g. if you wish to suppress the year, click on manually override the citation and type the citation as you wish it to appear. Please note: Manually overriding a citation prevents the citation being updated if you update the reference in your library or if you change the citation style, so in those cases you would have to manually update the citation.