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Library Services




Guide to using Mendeley reference management and social citation sharing software

Mendeley Web: organising your library

Searching your library

To search your library, use the search box at the top right of the screen, underneath your account name. The document details in your library will be searched, as well as any tags which you have applied to your references.


You can organise references by putting them into collections. 

  • To create a collection, click on New collection in the left pane. Give it a name and press the <Return> key on your keyboard.
  • To delete or re-name a collection, right-click on the collection name.
  • You can drag and drop references from All References into a collection, or select references by ticking the boxes and using the Organise option at the bottom of the page.
  • To remove a reference from a collection, select he reference (by placing a tick in the box next to it), use the Organise option at the bottom of the page. If you remove a reference from a collection, the reference can still be found under All References. Do not drag and drop your references to Trash if you want to remove it from a collection, as this will delete the reference from your All References.

Deleting references

  • To delete a references, select reference(s) by ticking the boxes, then click Delete at the bottom of the page.
  • References will remain in Trash until you delete them permanently. To delete references permanently, go to the Trash folder. Select reference(s) by ticking the boxes, then click Delete [permanently] at the bottom of the page.
  • If you wish to restore references in Trash to your Library, select reference(s) by ticking the boxes, then click Restore at the bottom of the page.