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Guide to using Mendeley reference management and social citation sharing software

Mendeley applications

Mendeley is freely available as:

  • a desktop software application, that you can download and install on your Windows, Mac or Linux computer. It is also available on Desktop@UCL computers and Desktop@UCL Anywhere. The desktop app, allows you work on your Mendeley library (of references) offline. There are currently two different desktop applications:
    • Mendeley Reference Manager: new, streamlined with simpler interface. Mendeley sessions delivered as part of our scheduled programme of sessions focus on Mendeley Reference Manager.
    • Mendeley Desktop: no longer being developed and no longer available to download, but is still available on Desktop@UCL computers. We continue to provide support for users of Mendeley Desktop.. 
  • a web-based application, Mendeley Web.

Your Mendeley library can be synchronised across platforms, so you can access your Mendeley library from any device.

Access to mobile apps. Please note, the mobile apps previously available for Android and iOS devices were discontinued and removed from the App Store and Play Store on March 15 2021.

With the free version you have 2GB of personal storage space. It is possible to pay for a premium plan which gives you more storage space.

Please note that Mendeley is not accessible to screen readers. If you use a screen reader you might prefer to use EndNote or Zotero instead.