The Researcher Development Programme requires a list of all sessions, including number of instances in each term, that we agree to offer for the whole academic year by the end of June prior to the start of the academic session. Approximate Researcher Development Programme deadlines for full details of sessions (dates, times, LIbCal link) are
- Term 1 by mid to late July prior to the start of session.
- Term 2 early November.
- Term 3 mid to late February.
Processes for scheduling are as follows:
- A scheduling spreadsheet for the year is created in the Scheduling spreadsheet folder in the Files section of the General channel of the Library Skills Team with a separate tab for each term. A quick link is provided in a 'Scheduling' tab at the top of the Team. The spreadsheet is pre-populated with session titles according to he agreed number of sessions being delivered in each term.
- Trainers are asked to sign up to deliver particular sessions, confirm a date and time and enter the session in LibCal with a deadline so we can submit data to the Researcher Development Programme for their deadlines. Sessions that are not to be included in the Researcher Development Programme (e.g. induction events, events aimed at other user groups such as NHS or undergraduate students) may be added at any time of year, but ideally ahead of each term so we can promote all sessions for a particular term at the same time.
- Each session needs two trainers. Although there is a designated lead trainer, ideally both trainers should be able to lead the session if required in case the lead trainer is unexpectedly unavailable, e.g. absent or loses internet connection. Ideally we should also have a backup trainer in case one trainer is unexpectedly unavailable on the day. This may not always be possible in every case.
- Once two trainers have signed up to deliver a session, this indicates a firm commitment to deliver the session and they decide between them on a mutually convenient day and time in the week specified. Please try to avoid clashes with dates and times of other sessions already confirmed.
- Trainers enter confirmed dates and times for sessions into the scheduling spreadsheet.
- Face to face sessions are dependent on room bookings and the trainers are responsible for booking a room. This may be through UCL room bookings (note: schedule for Term 1 usually opens in September. Dates and times for face to face sessions should be confirmed once a room is booked and do not need to meet the July deadline for the Research Development Programme, although a 6 week lead in time is requested for advertising) or in library spaces (e.g. room 417 in the Science library bookable through Outlook; the small cluster in the Cruciform Hub bookable by contacting Julia Garthwaite or Fiona Robertson; or spaces bookable locally in other site libraries).