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Library Services



Library Skills: live online training guide

Guidance, best practices and suggestions on how to design and deliver live online library skills training.

Session outlines / lesson plans

You are recommended to have a session outline or plan, which is separate from your initial planning document. The session outline is a tool for you and other trainers to use during the session. For sessions delivered as part of our scheduled programme of sessions, these should be detailed enough that any other trainer could run the session if they had the session outline.

You may like to copy, paste and amend as appropriate aspects of the practicalities checklist into your session outline.

Session materials

A live online session is almost always accompanied by a presentation using PowerPoint or Mentimeter, and you may also wish to circulate other materials with your session. Always consider accessibility and make use of our accessible templates for PowerPoint and Word which are available on LibNet.

At the start of a live online session you may want to consider having a slide to display that welcomes attendees and includes brief guidance on how to test their audio, and housekeeping for the session, such as whether we would like them to stay on mute, etc.