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Library Services



Library Skills training online

A guide to share best practice and support UCL library staff in designing and delivering online library skills training materials and activities.

Are you confident about using LibWizard?

If you have attended training and/or carefully read through the instructions in this LibGuide, the box below is to help you to remember the main steps. 

IMPORTANT: We have been given permission to use LibWizard Surveys to gather feedback on Library Skills training. If you deliver library skills training and require a LibWizard login for this purpose, please contact LibrarySkills@UCL
If you wish to use LibWizard Surveys for any other feedback, or LibWizard Forms, please seek permission from Library Web Support.

If you just need a few prompts

  1. To create a new survey – click on the ‘start with’ drop down menu to find the appropriate template to copy. All template survey titles start with TEMPLATE.
  2. Give it an appropriate title and edit the friendly URL to match the title.
  3. Add/edit any questions you need to.
  4. Pre-filled Survey URL under 'settings', to pre-fill any questions in your survey (e.g session title and date) to create a custom URL you can use in your class or link to in your online learning materials. Make sure 'active' is enabled before you generate the custom URL.
  5. Copy and paste the custom URL to a safe location where you will be able to retrieve it before closing the page, so you have a record of the link. 
  6. If you’re embedding the link online (e.g. webpage, Moodle page etc) keep a record of the URL and the survey title used. If it’s for a live session, then paste the survey link in the chat or send via email after the session.
  7. When all your survey responses are in, view the reports or download them into a CSV file to view in Excel.